Sunday, April 3, 2011

Happy Birthday Trav!

My hubby turns 34 today! Wowsa! :) We're getting's happening. Remember when 35 sounded SOOO old...when we were 12 or even 20, 30 seemed sooo far away. Yet, here we are. :)

My husband is an amazing guy! I forget it sometimes like we all do when we get caught up in the hustle and bustle of life, but...

Trav - you really are awesome. You are SUPER talented - drums, guitar, drawing, painting, woodworking! You are crazy athletic. (30 mile bike ride this morning). You can fix ANYTHING and figure anything out and make anything work. I am amazed by you and all you know and do! You are a self taught renaissance man and I will forever be impressed by the fact that you have educated yourself better than high school and college educated me. :)

I love that you love me unconditionally, even when I'm crazy neurotic or emotional. I love that you tell me I'm beautiful when I'm in sweats and I haven't washed my face or brushed my teeth yet. :) I love that I can't be mad at you for more than a minute because you make me smile and laugh even though I am so mad. I love that both of us consider a night at home with a movie a perfect night. I love that I get to grow old with my best friend. I can picture us laughing on our back porch when we are old and wrinkly...

Above all of this, I love the kind of father you are. When I see the light in your eyes whenever you are with Xavier, I melt inside. You are an amazing Daddy and your Little Man loves you so much! Thank you for being a hands on dad, there for your son no matter what. He will appreciate that so much as he gets older.

I love you, Trav!
Happy Birthday!!!

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