Saturday, April 2, 2011

Dancing, Teething, and Fighting Sleep...

X is a dancing king! :) He loves to bop to the beat. It just makes my day. :)

Ever since X was 2 months old, I have said the phrase, "I think he may be teething" whenever he has been out of sorts, not himself, a little off. Of course, these are also the times when he can't keep his fingers out of his mouth. He really hasn't gotten a break....maybe a 2 week hiatus at the most? Poor must really hurt. I know adult tooth pain is excruciating. Does it feel like that for him? He really is a intense crying. He just wakes up more or gets a little crankier when he's tired. His sleep is a bit more restless, and he needs to chew on something constantly. He has 6 chompers now, and I think there are two more coming soon. My sister laughs every time I say I think he's teething because she remembers saying the exact same thing for 2 years straight. Oh goody! :)

Along with teething, X has been trying all sorts of new things. He has been crawling now for almost 2 months and has become a pro. He is kneeling and reaching and trying to stand every chance he gets. Yikes! He is also babbling constantly. (Too bad he doesn't have a twin to discuss things with) I'm sure with all of this going on in that sweet little brain of his, it is difficult to quiet the noise for sleep. He has been fighting his naps a bit more lately, but he has gotten great at putting himself to sleep after a tiny bit of protest. At night, he is waking an extra time every now and then. He is growing and growing and growing....SO FAST!

Growing must be tough for our little babes...but, I think it's tougher on us. Why can't they stay little like this for longer? My sister was just looking at pictures of her two kids, crying and missing these baby years. I know that's right around the corner for me. Must freeze time...

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