Saturday, September 21, 2013



We've been building.

We've been molding. Xavie LOVES playing with play doh and aside from the clean up process, I love it too! Play doh is on a two day timeout right now because someone would not clean up after play time. 

We sit in time out. Xander actually went to join his brother in time out, even though Xav was in time out for hurting Xan. He loves his big brother! 

We are learning new words. Xan has started saying 2-3 new words a day. It is amazing how fast he is learning and growing. Yesterday they were bacon, crying, and tacos. This morning, he said diaper and while reading Winnie the Pooh, he said honey. ;) It is like the words are just sitting on the tip of his to tongue waiting to fall out. He has been saying his animal sounds too.

We've been swimming a lot! The boys have started swimming lessons and they are doing amazing. 

We've been dancing, dancing, dancing.

We've been coloring...and snacking. Right now, it looks like Xav is a lefty and Xan is a righty. 

We've been waking up WAY too early. We have adjusted bedtime forward and backward. I have shooshed and rocked and walked and let Xan cry it out...nothing is really working. So, we took a break from sleep training yesterday and watched the sunrise at the beach.

 It reminded me of how amazing this life is and that each phase of my boys' lives is just a phase that will be over too soon. So, if I have to wake up at 5am for a while, I guess I can handle it. Soon, I will be dragging them out of bed for school, wondering where the time went. Not ready for that...

Thursday, September 5, 2013

So darn cute

Lately, my boys have been doing some really cute things. Xavier has been doing some big boy things...

Like when he helped Xander take his shoes off and then he set them by the door...unprompted by me!! 

Or...when he sits next to Xander and they "read" side by side. Xan points to ball or duck or shoes in his ABC book and says the words he knows. Then, Xavie says,"Good job, Xander. Now, what is this?" (pointing to another pic on the page)  

He has developed a teachery voice since school has started.This morning, he told us all to line up behind the black piece of tape. :) 

After Xavie gets in trouble, he says, "But Mommy, I just love you." (Hoping to get out of a timeout or consequence...which NEVER works ;) )

Xan is becoming a very strong, brave boy. Brave is really a nice word for INSANE. The poor kid has scratches and bruises everywhere. He does everything his big brother does...even things he is way too little for.

Imitating his daddy, Xan does push ups and we all count to 10 as he does them, smiling the whole way through. He will just randomly drop to the ground and go for it. 

When I am working out...doing plank crunches or something, Xan comes over and sits right on my back. He figures he is adding 25 lbs, helping me up my workout.

How about when they dump all three toy and train bins onto the living room floor. Then, they stand on top of the bins and take turns jumping. Mommy heart attack.

Both boys dance whenever a catchy beat is the car, at the dinner table, in front of the tv, in the stroller...if Xan is not dancing, Xavie reminds him. "Xander, dance!!"

They have been playing hide and seek lately with Daddy. He hides, Xavie counts, and I take both by hand and we search the rooms. When we find him, they jump and squeal. Xan is always on the verge of being scared when Trav jumps out...he moves his hands up and down and side to side really fast...filled with excitement. 

Whenever Xavie wants a snack...fruit bar, pouch, fruit snacks...he gets two, one for him and one for his little bro. Warms my heart.

After dinner tonight, Xan walked in the kitchen, grabbed a cookie from the counter and came back chomping away. Then, he stopped short, walked back in and got one more and brought it to his big brother. So cute!! 

Xavie says the best things lately. Cracks me up.

"Daddy, I woke up on the right side of the bed today!"

In response to Trav jokingly asking him to make some coffee, Xav said, "Daddy, I am a big boy and all, but I can't make coffee! I'm not a cooker." 

X -"Mommmmmmyyy, I went poopy!!" 
Mom -"Great job!"
X -"No...Mom...I went on your bedroom floor."
Mom - "WHAT!?"

X pretending to be me, "What am I going to do with you boys!?" 

There are so many hilarious, sweet, unforgettable moments that sometimes get buried by dishes and laundry and lack of sleep. My boys crack me up, drive me crazy, and warm my heart. I have got to keep writing them down so I will remember these sweet fun days.