Sunday, May 29, 2011

These Days...

These days, we are...

Hanging at the Pool
X's  swimming gets better every week. He does big dolphin kicks and splashes his arms. We say, "kick, kick" and his little feet get moving. :)

 Xavier can now stand without holding on for about 10 seconds before he drops or grabs something. "Look Ma, no hands!" He also walks all around his play yard holding onto the rails. Walking is quickly approaching...
Teething (putting anything and everything in his mouth)
X has 6 teeth and has been working on a couple more. He seems to be in more pain in the last couple of days....chewing on everything and wincing in pain. :( He has been grinding his teeth too - aaah! He hears a loud "No" when he does that. It sound like he's going to pop his teeth right out.

 Drinking Through a Straw
Little Man has mastered the sippy cup. He is a pro. So, Nani got him a new cup with a straw after he showed his straw skills at a restaurant on Mothers' Day. He loves it. He will sit for 10 minutes just drinking through his straw. It's like he knows he is bigger and cooler or something. :)

 Playing have your main activity be playing. We play all day long. Well, X plays and we chase him around the house, build towers that he knocks down, and we sing lots and lots of songs. His favorite playmate is Nani for sure. She sings the best songs (some in French) and never tires of chasing him around and making up new games to play. 

X has been doing this crab type of walk. He gets on all fours and "crawls" like a bear...on his feet. :) Here he is only on one foot, but most of the time he gets on all fours - maybe it hurts his knees less. The funniest is when he goes super fast...he looks like a crab scurrying along the beach. 

Eating big boy food...
X is wanting less and less to do with pureed food (even though he still does eat it) and more to do with Mommy and Daddy food. Chicken cut in small pieces, pieces of broccoli or asparagus, rice, pasta, pancakes...He loves chewing with his six teeth and gums. :)

pancakes...just like Mommy and Daddy
 Rockin' Out
Our little musician has got some serious rhythm. He can find the beat in any song. His favorites are the ones with lots of base and a good groove. In this video, he is listening to a favorite - Red Hot Chili Peppers. Daddy is so proud!

And just being way too cute...

 We are loving these days...

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