Tuesday, October 18, 2011

To dancing in the living room...

Today, X and I danced in the living room...in the midst of toys spread around the carpet, fish sticks cooking in the oven, and canine teeth pain, we turned the music up loud and danced and twirled. It was awesome. The giggles and belly laughs that erupted out of little Xman will play over and over in my mind forever...

These are the moments. These are the things we'll remember forever. I need to remind myself to stay present in these moments...every day moments with Xavier.

Time is FLYING! X is growing so fast. He is becoming a little boy. A little boy who rubs my tummy when I say, "Where is the baby?" and reads books in his crib when he wakes up from his nap. He points at every plane that flies overhead, says Woof Woof when he sees a dog, loves to collect treasures in the yard, and blows us kisses when we leave.

I need to soak every moment in...savor each second....stay present and grateful for every minute we have together.

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