Xavier is potty training. He has been "practicing" for a few months now, but now we are hitting it full force.We have a potty chart where he puts stickers when he goes. When the whole chart is full, Xavie gets a new train! This is huge incentive. He went pee pee on the potty 10 times the first morning just so he could get stickers. ;) We've gone through two charts, and now he doesn't even remember the stickers. He is a professional pee-er. Ha! Still patiently waiting for him to master #2.
Showing me his goal for his new train. |
I found so many awesome Potty Training charts online for free. We had the stickers, so that was easy. I can't believe I only needed two. Maybe, we will need more for the poop adventure ahead.
Xander is watching his big brother very closely. If he keeps going at his normal rate, Xan will be potty trained before we know it...or he will just keep sticking his hand directly in Xavier's pee stream. He runs to the bathroom as soon as Xavie says he has to go. I almost always catch him before he reaches into the toilet, but every now and then, he is too fast. It is pretty hilarious around here right now.
Xavier's favorite part of potty training? Washing his hands. I feel a little guilty because of the water Xavie has wasted. I have tried to have him sing the ABCs and be done, but he just loves that water. At least, he'll be germ free.
Here is Xavie with his new train. (A prize for filling up his potty chart).
 Here he is reading his second potty chart prize. :)

Xavie is super cute in his undies all day now, except for nap and bedtime. I am so proud of him and how independent he is becoming. |
A special thank you to Elmo's Potty Time which we have watched MANY times. I totally have late fees at the library because Xavie loves it so much. I must return it tomorrow before I start singing, "No more dirty diaper blues" in my sleep.
Last weekend, we went to take a ride on Thomas the train. YES - we rode ON THOMAS! I was really excited...like more excited than Xavie...and more excited than I should be. I kind of built it up in my head to be something crazy awesome. The video advertisement for Day Out With Thomas is amazing...it makes it seem like a dream Thomas world with happy children everywhere and fun activities around every corner. In reality, it was a barren field with some tents set up for bubble play, "throw the ball in the cup", fake tattoos, and face painting. There was a bounce house too, but Xavie wasn't interested. You could take pics with Sir Topham Hat, but he was sort of creepy...he had a huge head. The gift shop, however, was pretty cool. It has some awesome stuff! I am usually very glass half full, but I left feeling a little disappointed. However, it is not about me. I am not the Thomas fan...right? :)
The one redeeming quality -- the Thomas ride. We got to ride on Thomas. Xavie took his first train ride. Was it a short, SLOW up and back...up and back with the beautiful scenery of a prison in the distance? YES...but, that doesn't matter. We rode on Thomas! :)
That boy is yelling in Spanish, "He took my train!" |
The "throw the ball in the cup" game. Xavie carefully placed each one. |
After looking at these pics, I thought, "It wasn't that bad. Why am I such a brat?" I guess when your expectations are way too high, nothing can reach them. Probably why I never want to meet David Beckham or Brad Pitt...I may be disappointed. ;)
So, our newly potty trained little BIG boy loved the "Thomas Factory", as he called it. We will probably spend another $18 a ticket next year to ride the train past the prison again. ;) His happiness was so worth it.
Pure joy. :)
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