We have had lots of fun this Christmas! My sister and fam came up from the Keys and there was lots of fun cousin play with the occasional,"That's mine" fight. We didn't take many pics...I guess we were having too much fun. These are some that I captured on my phone (my Christmas present). :) I don't even have any opening presents...craziness. It was so fun to watch Xavie open presents this year. He really gets it...he thanked Santa a bunch for his new trains. He also made sure to thank his family for his presents. He made out! This boy is getting a major train collection! We sure have been enjoying playing with our presents.
X's train collection...is growing and GROWING...thanks to all of our family and friends for contributing to Xavier's passion for trains. :) |
Some awesome hand me down blocks. Our boys are so lucky to have older cousins who lovingly go through their toys every year and give them to X and X. |
Xavie loves his little brother. He is always hugging him lately. Love it!!! |
Puzzles!!! Xavier has gotten great at them. We have a "puzzle table" now. |
This is how I found the rocking chair when I was cleaning up. CUTE! What will I do when there are no more teddy bears lying around? |
Benny is such a good big cousin. He is growing up so much and really loves his baby cousins.
He takes care of them. So cute! |

Fun at Nani and Papi's with Benny and WyWy. We kept hearing throughout the house, "WyWy, where ARE you!?" and then, "Xavie, where ARE you?" Hilarious and awesome. |
Xavie loves swinging lately. We sing Old MacDonald a hundred times and he laughs and laughs. |
Walking his cousins' scooter around at Nani's. He just straddled it and waddled around. Ha! |
Checking out all of the Chuggington trains he has and all the ones he still needs/wants. |
An awesome hand me down playhouse. Xavier played with this when he was smaller and he seems to love it again. We broke it out for Xanman this Christmas. Both boys are having a blast. |
This little boy started walking this Christmas...the 26th to be exact. 10 months old and walking...should I be worried? :) |
Cuckoo for puffs!
Thank you to my amazing photographer sister for the next few shots. She captures the best moments. :) |
Making memories with family - that's what it's all about!
Happy New Year!
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