's been a while. 3 months ago, I was contemplating
shaving my legs or drying my hair...which one I had time for. Today, I am pretty much doing the same thing. I just shaved yesterday, thank the good Lord. My poor legs...neglected. Let's not even mention my feet, m-kay? I dream of a pedicure. When you are a stay at home mom on essentially one salary, you gotta cut back financially...bye bye pedicures. But...anywaaaay...I digress.
Life with the Xmen is amazing, challenging, hilarious, tiring, fun, educational, inspiring, crazy, love-filled, and flying by way too fast. They are changing so much. It is crazy awesome.
Xander started solids over the summer. He LOVES to eat. I've started filling the freezer with yumminess. |
XanMan has also started crawling. Xavie waited til 8-9 months. Xan mastered crawling at 6 months. This kid is on the move. He will keep up with his big brother no matter what. The play yard is back up in our living room.
At 7 months, Xander is now standing on his own. He pulls up and stands all of the his crib, in the play yard, anywhere he is...he is crawling or standing. ;) He is actually starting to take side steps. YIKES!
This kid is amazing! He is sweet and funny. His personality just warms everyone around him. He is usually all smiles...except for when you take the spoon away while you're feeding him...or when he has to get his diaper changed in the middle of playtime. He adores his big brother. His eyes just light up when he sees him. He is growing and changing so fast. I'm trying not to blink. |
A great shot with Nani. The boys LOVE their Nani. |
The boys have started playing with each other. It warms my heart to see Xavier go over to Xander and talk to him or give him a toy. He loves to tickle his feet. He also loves to snatch toys from him and tell him, "NO." |
Xavie loves going in to get Xander when he wakes up. He often asks me to put him up in the crib too. :) Xander's face lights up when Xavie greets him after a nap. |
Xavier LOVES to unpack the groceries when we get home. He is a really great helper. Here, he is helping Daddy clean out the fridge so the new food can move in. ;) |
Trying on Daddy's shoes. |
Poor Xman got his first ear infection this month. He took midmorning naps on the couch. |
Sick boy sleeping with his pals. |
X loves working out with Daddy. He counts his push ups...1, 2, 3.... :) |
X LOVES his train table. He is still VERY addicted to Thomas....the trains, the videos, the shows, the pajamas...everything Thomas! :)
Big Big Awesome News! Mema and PopPops moved down from North Carolina. They are just 10 minutes away. So, we see them a bunch. Now, our kids have both sets of grandparents around the corner. What lucky kids. :) |
XanMan and PopPops at the beach. :) Xander LOVES PopPops! |
Xavie loves to help Mema do the dishes after a family dinner. He loves to help Mema do anything!
We are potty training with Xman. He practices wearing his big boy underwear and telling us when he has to go. That is one cute toosh. :) |
Helping Mema make her famous bread for Souflakis.
Xavie's new sayings: Goodness Gracious Oopsy Daisy Uh-Oh Spagettio Holy Moly Mmmm...Delicious! Sloppin the Hog... (that's from Daddy)
He knows SO many songs now. I catch him singing Twinkle, Twinkle, ABCs, Mary Had a Little Lamb, Row Row Row Your Boat, Patty Cake, It's Raining, It's Pouring and many more. He also sings two lullabies from Queens of the Stoneage and Morphine (a couple of his Dad's favorite bands). Let's not forget his favorite Red Hot Chili Peppers...X knows the words to lots of their songs too.
He knows some French words too. He and Nani practice all of the time. He knows some body parts (nose, mouth, ears, eyes, head). He knows I love you and hello. SO cool!
Mema has taught him a mealtime blessing. He knows every word. He says, "Amen!"at the end of the prayers in church. When we say, "What do you do in church?" He whispers, "Quiet."
I was thinking the other day how sad life would be without these sweet little boys. I can't imagine it. I can't remember life pre-Xmen actually. They have moved into my heart and changed me forever.
Thank God for that!
I loved reading this! They are just so precious! LOVE them and you!!! XOXO